Pornographic content directly affect young people Peril? This theory is not determined. Because through the Internet, video, books and magazines and other media, watch works with pornography, it will certainly affect adolescents and young sex, but its role is limited, never let them become what goat. bullet vibrator 

This is the latest in an international medical journal published findings. The results suggest that this practice affects only one of many factors youth sexual behavior. Because people in the past in a number of studies in the narrow often get biased or erroneous conclusions, so always worry that such practice will bring great negative impact, especially teenagers and young adults. cheap vibrators 
So researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark team on 4600 lives in the Netherlands, 15-25 year olds online survey results are analyzed in detail. The survey asked the volunteers participating in the study a number of issues about sex, viewing pornography circumstances and in all aspects of their sexuality, including their own number of sexual partners, whether there had been one-night stands, whether there had been of money transactions, whether participated in risky sexual activity. rabbit vibrator

Past studies have tended to investigate pornography consumption and young people suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, the relationship between risk and often did not control other factors. This will overestimate the link between pornography and sexual behavior. Therefore, the study team of experts to take into account a range of other factors, such as volunteers, sexual self-esteem, sexual self-confidence and "sensation seeking," or they seek sexual excitement and physical pleasure level. trojan vibrators
Might not surprising that they participated in the survey found that 88% of young men and 45% of the young woman in the past 12 months contact with pornography. Pornography on the naked men are more interested in the women's pair of soft pornography (non-naked, obscure) are more interested in people of both sexes prefer mainly through the Internet to watch pornography, and less through television, DVD or magazines. bluetooth vibrator
In the view of having a frank depiction of sexual diversity of goods and there is a direct correlation between the relationship, especially those involved in risky sexual behavior and sexual behavior money transactions have been excluded should take into account other factors. However, this is only a moderate correlation between a total of 0.3% down to about sex to 4%. Such evidence suggests that the practice of watching pornographic films only affect sexual behavior of young people one of many factors, not as previously thought, with a direct link.

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