Since ancient times, there are health treatise clearly stated: Summer Sex should note that "Yang Kang excitement anti-Seoul." This means that the summer is much easier to desire high, if not pay attention to this point restraint, it will allow to speed up the metabolism of the body have been worse, physical advances, affecting the ancients said body base - strength, and may even cause disease. Then, in the summer of intercourse should pay attention to what?waterproof vibrator
"Bitter Summer" who do not force intercourse
Every summer there are always some women feel whole body fatigue, drowsiness, not eating, body wasting, but in the fall, died and more often these problems, which is commonly known as "bitter summer."
This phenomenon is caused by the autonomic dysfunction, the patient in addition to the temperature at 37 ℃ -37.4 ℃ fluctuations between, many accompanied by general malaise, weakness, loss of appetite, bloating, heart palpitations, sweating, insomnia, dreams and other neurological debilitating symptoms.
Few women may also have irregular menstruation, vaginal discharge, backache, swelling and a series of gynecological symptoms.
Although the "bitter summer" generally does not affect health, but if severe symptoms, you should avoid sex. The man in the sexual impulse to be good at observing his wife's mood and state of mind, and try to arouse her sexuality in order to achieve harmony, were met. His wife, under the guidance of a doctor taking oryzanol, vitamin C and vitamin B1, which help regulate autonomic function, lower body temperature, improve the "bitter summer" symptoms.
In addition, the quality of sleep on the lifting of "bitter summer" is very important. About 1 hour before bedtime food therapy hypnosis can be used, such as drink milk or sugar and so on. Energetic, sexuality will naturally be raised.
Beware of too much sweating.finger vibrator
Inherently human sweat secretion summer, combined with the desire to be exciting sex, many people will find themselves not having sex, it has been sweating. However, do not think a lot of sweating is a normal phenomenon. According to TCM theory, summer sweat too much married life, prone to the elderly and frail persons prostration. Such people should wait until the sweat is completely dry, steady heartbeat after intercourse again.lipstick vibrator
For emotional stress or physical weakness, sexual life, increase the amount of perspiration after the phenomenon should also be alert, because this could be a sign of disease, better go to the hospital to check. Sex must stay in bed after a moment, and then rushed up a warm bath, a cup of milk or soy milk salt, avoid cold water bath immediately afterwards or ice water.
Sex vigilance over Tanliang
Summer high temperature, humidity, air-conditioned environment like many couples in sex. But in the course of life, especially in the orgasm, the body may have a fever sweating, the body sweat pores will be open at this time if there is breath invasion, decreased resistance of the people there will stuffy nose, sneezing, runny runny nose, headache and other symptoms of a cold, someone put this disease is called "Summer Sex cold."silver bullet vibrator
Summer sex, you should avoid excessive coolness. If you use air conditioning, indoor and outdoor temperature difference should allow about 5 ℃, the lowest temperature does not exceed 27 ℃.wireless vibrator
If you feel thirsty after sex, covered with sticky, do not rush to go cold water bath, although such a moment to make themselves feel comfortable, but for creating favorable conditions for pathogen invasion, very easy to catching a cold.

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