Some sex misconduct not only makes love aversion may also affect sexual harmony, and even cause sexual indifference. Recently, the experts pointed out that the sex in the six-prone "guilt", I hope you learn a lesson, not to let sex become happy headache. cheap vibrators

The first sin, sex is not only a kiss. Studies have found that the process of sex, many people (including women) do not kiss their partner. The reason is sexual positions unfavorable kissing each other, or too eager to achieve orgasm. But experts believe that the lack of kissing during sex will reduce the emotional satisfaction. The best way is foreplay more kisses. rabbit vibrator

Second offense, sex sudden "bite." Some people like to use the "bite" to express intimacy, but to arouse sexual desire in a partner before being bitten him (her), will surprise people. Experts suggest that the best companion completely excited after waiting, and then nibble their ears, shoulders, neck, or other parts. bullet vibrator

The third sin, only sexual organs are stimulated. Genital fondling role during sex is self-evident. But they also do not neglect the companion of the knees, back, abdomen and other sensitive parts of the caress and stimulate. quiet vibrators

The fourth sin, let the other to bear its own weight. Sex should grasp the rhythm, and postural changes. Adopt a "lower position", avoid prolonged pressure of his body completely in the other body. Influence each other breathe, will destroy their sex drive, motor skills difficult to play, it is difficult threw himself into.          

Fifth sin, selfish enjoy orgasm. Orgasm approaching, it is best to partner a hint, such as "I'm fast," "should," and "come" and so on, mate naturally understand. Some couples will have a tacit understanding before orgasm body language suggests, for example, habitually light whisper so on. adult vibrators

Sixth sin, silence silent sex. When a partner feels satisfied when everyone likes him (she) can say so, because, say gently moaning or feeling is definitely the best companion and encouragement.  thrusting vibrator

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